Redefining “The Good Life”

I woke up this morning craving something fresh. I was going to make some eggs or just have a piece of toast with peanut butter, but I had this intense craving for something truly delicious and this morning, delicious meant fresh. Somehow, everything in my kitchen that came in a package was unappealing; I wanted to eat something juicy, colorful, and most importantly, something that made me feel good after I ate it.

In my search for all things health related, I have come upon several stories where people describe that after they start a healthy diet, their taste actually changes. They stop craving fried foods and chocolate cake and actually crave fruits and vegetables. Before Kevin and I started this diet, I didn’t really believe them. I mean, honestly, who craves asparagus? But this morning was the first time I was beginning to wonder if my taste buds were finally switching over to the dark side; I wanted fresh fruit and nothing else was going to cut it.

As strange as it sounds, I think this gives me hope for the future; hope that I can change how I define “the good life”. For many of us, when we think of truly delicious, satisfying food, the kind that sticks to your ribs and makes you feel like all is well in the world, we think of meat and potatoes, macaroni and cheese, chicken parmesan, and for me, chocolate cake. It’s those foods that we associate with celebration, joy, and fullness. To tell someone they can never eat those foods again is almost blasphemous and signifies that their life will always be a little bit worse. But, what if we were able to redefine which foods fell into that category?

I am wondering how we will change as Kevin and I keep at our healthy diet. Right now, we eat pretty well during the week, but on the weekends, we still go out to dinner (and lunch. And, sometimes breakfast 🙂 ) But I have been noticing that the things we order even when we eat out are starting to change. We order more salads, more fruits and almost nothing fried. We don’t stuff ourselves and don’t feel obligated to finish everything put in front of us. Without really realizing it, I think our tastes are starting to change. I am getting used to feeling so healthy and light when I eat fruits and vegetables and healthy proteins. I definitely notice that I feel significantly worse when I eat sugar and processed foods, and slowly both Kevin and I are starting to eliminate them from our diet.  We’ve even planted a garden in our back yard! I’ll put up pictures as soon as anything starts to grow!

I think the bottom line is that the more you treat your body well, the more is becomes accustomed to it, eventually making your healthy lifestyle a habit and not a chore.

Have any of you noticed this? How do you define “the good life?”


4 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Breanne on February 13, 2012 at 9:15 am

    Sara I agree with you. Sometimes the fried, greasy food is good at that moment, then you realize just how bad it is and you feel like crud. Especially when you are on a diet. You eat the wonderful doughnut because you feel like you have to have it, then you (or at least me) think “I just killed my diet for that doughnut and it wasn’t even worth it.” I am trying something new I’m going to eat to live not live to eat. We will see how that goes.


  2. Posted by Lissa on February 17, 2012 at 9:34 am

    I have an incredibly easy time saying no to sugar now. I didn’t eat 1 piece of candy for Valentine’s! And I can walk past the bakery section in the grocery store and not blink 🙂 The one thing I still enjoy is dark chocolate!


  3. I’ve definitely had days where I’ve the same kind of cravings – fresh and REAL food! Occasionally I do crave the junk but when I overindulge in it, I feel so crappy from it that it’s not worth it.

    For me, the “good life” means approaching my day as a series of choices, and making smart choices all along the way so at the end of the day, I feel good about my healthy decisions 🙂


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